Monday 29 April 2019

Government is a parasite

Government is a parasite.  Its sole capability is to perpetuate itself by feeding on and debilitating its hosts. Government’s host, human society, permits government to feed off it in exchange for social order i.e. government can reduce the harm one individual or a group can do to other innocent individuals. 
  • Government can do nothing without first taking something from someone else. The bigger government grows, the more it takes, and the more it takes the more it saps the vitality of its hosts.  
  • Politicians and lawyers pretend that they are important people doing important work. But often they're important because they are parasites. They feed off others, while creating no wealth of their own.
  • Every merchant must offer us something we want in order to get our money. But that's not true for politicians and their businessman cronies. They get to use government force to grab our money. The parasite economy thrives wherever "you use the law to get something you couldn't get voluntarily in the marketplace."
  • The more parasitic government saps the vitality of its hosts, the more the hosts resist. The more the hosts resist, the more government is compelled to visit force and violence upon the hosts to subdue them.
  • Government invariably ends up spending a large and ever increasing amount of the energy it sucks from its hosts, thus subduing them. It becomes a host-destructive, and self-destructive, spiral for the host population and the parasitic government. 
  • If Government got its spending under control, it would not need to pick our pockets. 
  • Government’s appetite is unlimited, and majoritarian democracies in particular lack the self-discipline to limit their feeding to the optimal level that would preserve the vitality of the hosts.  
  • Government also infects its hosts by transmitting all manner of ancillary social and economic diseases and disorders that further diminish the hosts’ vitality. 
  • Governments have developed survival strategies to overcome their self-destructive gluttony by evolving into what biologists call a hyperparasite - a parasite that hosts another parasite - and by transforming itself into a predator capable of preying upon humans outside the host population. Government-parasite-turned-predator is called “empire.” Government as hyperparasite is called the “welfare state.”
  • Government in its hyper-parasitic state sucks the sustenance from one group of human hosts within society to provide nourishment to another group of human hosts. Hyper-parasitic government feeds excessively off the more nutritious (productive) segment of society to nourish the less productive segment, from which it parasitizes less than it returns in nourishment.
  • This host-farm, redistribution strategy also has the added benefit of providing parasitic politicians sufficient votes to ward off any revolt of the hosts.
  • Eventually the productive hosts will cease to produce sufficient to nourish the rest of society adequately. At this point, hyper-parasitic government begins to starve its human hosts to death.
  • More and more people and groups are now a days whining and complaining as they demand that the government declare them to be clean and righteous. 
By using euphemisms and spin, the Government tries to hide the truth. If the Government cleaned up its own act, it might one day be able to give some money back, so its mates could spend their own hard earned money in the way they know is best for them. Sadly, none of the major parties seem to know what true mate-ship looks like, because real mates don’t force mates to hand over hard-earned money.

Government is not the solution to our problem; 
government is the problem - Ronald Reagan 

There is nothing fair about a tax that is effectively a fine for doing well. 

We have no government armed with power capable of contending 
with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. 
Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. 
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other -  John Adams

Metaphorically, government is a parasite and we are its host. We support it and pump it up. When the parasite grows bigger than the host, the host will die. It's a logical conclusion. Every human dysfunction, every deviant behavior and even lawlessness feeds this parasite. Since the parasite is not allowed to judge, nor apply any moral discernment to its process and all the crooked things get guarded and shielded by politics. The host with awareness of conscience now lives in unease of the larger parasite that lives conscience-free.

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