Monday, 10 September 2018

Eminent vs Prominent

Eminent and prominent are both adjectives, and they can both be used to talk about people who are very well-known and successful in their profession. Eminent means highly qualified, successful and respected. Prominent means well-known, noticeable and important. 
  • Eminent is a stronger word than ‘famous’. Eminent comes from the Latin ‘eminentem’ meaning ‘to stand out’. An eminent person, therefore, is someone who stands apart from others. He is an outstanding and distinguished member of his profession. 
  • Eminent contains the idea of respected. He is respected by both the public and the members from his own profession.
  • Prominent has the idea of being well-known and important. For example, Bill Gates is a prominent figure in the world of computers.
  • It's possible to be a prominent person without being eminent, since eminence depends on respect which is earned through skill, education, public recognition. A pop star might be prominent but they probably wouldn't be described as eminent.
  • Prominent has other meanings as well. It can mean 'easy to see or notice' like a prominent scar on hand due to an injury.

It is better to be an eminent person than to be a prominent person.

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