Wednesday 4 April 2018

The art of giving

  • The true Art in Giving is to give from the heart without any expectation of a return.
  • A gift is something that is enjoyed by the giver who revels in the pleasure of giving something special and also enjoyed by the person who receives the gift.
  • Very often it is not money or belongings that people need but a personal act of kindness, it's the advice reassurance, a kind word, compliments or a smile. 
  • Sharing resources or time is never easy. There are many who have discovered joy in this simple yet difficult art. Sharing our resources, time, ideas, skills, etc. with those in the need of it may find its way back into our lives in diverse ways. Despite limitations and challenges, there are many people who have made a deep impact on society.
  • Everybody has something of value for another person. It could be a kind word, a simple smile, some appreciation, the sharing of some special knowledge, even a helping hand or a bit of support during a difficult emotional time.
  • With most things in this world, there is only a limited amount of what one can give away. Generosity and kindness are not bound to these same material limitations.
  • Every single act of love, kindness and generosity will multiply and return many times over. The more one give the happier one will feel. The reward of charity depends entirely upon the extent of the kindness in it.
  • Life's paradox is that one limit the power of giving by having an expectation of getting something in return. When one give without any thought or desire for something back, the returns will be truly limitless.
  • Life is like a river of energy, continually flowing. A fast flowing river is full of life and clear water. What happens when a river stops moving? It get very muddy, and stagnant. 
  • The acts of giving and receiving are a continuous process of circulation that continues the flow of life’s energies. For one person to receive someone else has to give. 
  • True giving, without expectation of anything in return is as effortless as breathing. How much is too much to give? One may never know, so just give until there's nothing else.
  • An ego based form of giving is giving with an expectation of something in return. This is not giving at all but a form of barter. 
  • The intention behind giving is the most important thing. The intention should always be to create happiness for both the giver and the receiver.
  • Giving with resentment will ultimately will come back with resentment. In this case, not giving the gift at all is a better option. What one gives out is what comes back in direct proportions to the feelings in the act of giving.
When you meet someone, you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy and laughter. This kind of silent giving is very powerful. When you do this, you will suddenly find people around you opening to you in joy and happiness. Make a decision that wherever you go, to whoever you meet, to give. As long as you are giving, you will also be receiving. The more you give, the more will flow back to you and be returned many times over. Giving creates a pattern of happiness, joy and love in your life beyond your wildest expectations.

Kindness in words creates confidence. 
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. 
Kindness in giving creates love ... Lao Tsu

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