Wednesday, 10 January 2018


Hypocrisy arises naturally. It is humanly impossible to avoid hypocrisy. Hypocrisy isn’t about simply failing to live up to the rules. It’s about being duplicitous about it. It’s about celebrating the things we shouldn’t do, about not properly regretting the sins that we commit. Hypocrisy is not simply failing to live up to a set of expectations but also a desire to exploit in order to accomplish some other purpose. Hypocrisy at its core is deception. The hypocrite knows he does wrong, but yet criticises others. The reasons for criticising is from genuine despair at his own failings, to an insecure attempt to belittle others.
  • Hypocrites are a horrid lot, a bane on our collective existence, a travesty of humanity.
  • Humans are prone to the principal of least effort, often known as the path of least resistance, opting for doing the least work.
  • Hypocrisy allows you to appear principled, without adhering to strict principles. 
  • Most people agree that speaking truth is the best policy, but when confronted with difficult situations, they give themselves a pass with an untruth or white lies. 
  • Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises but for never intended to go beyond promise and costs nothing.
  • Hypocrisy is a self-serving inconsistency or deliberate misrepresentation of oneself, so as to appear better in terms of prevailing norms. Politicians engage in this sort of hypocrisy to gain election benefits. Modern politicians making big speeches about all the great things they’ll do and then never doing any of them. They seldom suffer any consequences for their hypocrisy.
  • Parents are the worst hypocrites. We chastise our children for perceived transgressions that are a quarter as bad as those that we committed in our youth. Parental hypocrisy comes from a want that our progeny avoid the mistakes that we have made. Parents have little choice but to be hypocrites.
  • We may not be able to avoid hypocrisy, but there is a big difference between acknowledging it and allowing it to go unchecked. The former is human, the latter much less so.
  • Some people can end up more dedicated to the beliefs and practices they claim to adhere and are not afraid to point out hypocrisy when they see it.
Whatever you be, be a true man who, in his business transactions with you, quotes scripture. Pray to God to guard you against hypocrisy and the hypocrite.

Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value 
than the most talented hypocrite ... Charles Spurgeon

Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of 
a second person, hypocrisy begins ... RWEmerson

You and I do not see things as they are. 
We see things as we are -- Henry Ward Beecher

So when they win, it's their hard work. 
And when they lose, it's their bad luck ... Sanhita Baruah

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